Son of a Critch is a Canadian comedy show that airs on CBC Television. It was made by Mark Critch and Tim McAuliffe. The first show was on January 4, 2023. Son Of A Critch Season 2 will soon show the next episode.
Since you already know the date, read all the way to the end to find out when the second episode will come out. Here, you can also find out everything about the last episode and what the next one will be like.
But before we start, here’s a bit about the second season of Son of a Critch. Since January 4, 2023, Son of The Critch has won the hearts of its fans.
You should definitely watch this great Canadian drama series if you want to find the perfect mix of a lot of laughs and a lot of inspiration. Mark Critch’s semi-autobiographical TV show Son of a Critch tells the story of Mark Critch’s life when he was 11 years old and living in a small Canadian province called Newfoundland and Labrador.
The first season of the show started on January 4, 2023. It had 13 episodes and ended in April of that same year. Son Of A Critch was renewed for a second season on January 3, 2023.
The second season should end in early April. Since the show’s first episode has already come out, fans are very excited and can’t wait for the second episode to come out soon. So, here we are to tell you about the next Son of A Critch Season 2 episode.
Series | Son of a Critch |
Genre | Comedy |
Created by | Mark Critch and Tim Mcauliffe |
Country of Origin | Canada |
OTT Platform | CBC Television |
Son of a Critch Season 2 Episode 2 Release Date | January 10, 2023 |
Table of Contents
Son of a Critch Season 2, Episode 2 Release Date
Episode 2 of Son of a Critch Season 2 is already set to come out, and we are just as excited as you are to tell you when it will come out in your area. So, check the day, date, and time listed below ahead of time so that you never miss an episode of your favourite TV show.
The second episode of Son of a Critch second 2 episode 2 was released on Canada’s CBC network on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 8:30 p.m. Every Tuesday, a new episode of Son of A Critch Season 2 will come out.
But make sure to find out ahead of time if there will be a delay because of something that wasn’t planned.
- Eastern Time: Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 8.30 p.m.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 5.30 p.m. Pacific Time
- British Time: Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 1:30 a.m.
- Indian Standard Time: Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 7:00 a.m.
- Australian time: Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 12:30 p.m.
- Philippines Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 9:30 a.m.
Son of a Critch Season 2, Episode 2 Cast: Who Will Be in It?
- Benjamin Mark Critch is played by Evan Ainsworth.
- Mike Critch is played by Mark Critch.
- Claire Rankin in the role of Mary Critch
- Patrick is played by Malcolm McDowell.
- Mike Critch Jr. is played by Colton Gobbo.
- Fox is played by Sophia Powers.
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A Recap of Son of a Critch Season 2, Episode 1
We saw in the last season that Fox finally starts to like Mark, and when Mark finds out about this, he is so happy that words can’t describe it. He thinks about her all summer and can’t wait for the summer holiday to end, so he can finally see her.
Fans waited a whole year for Season 2 because they wanted to see Mark and Fox finally get together. But the beginning of season 2 is a bit disappointing for viewers and heartbreaking for Mark.
Because when he goes back to school with a big smile and a happy heart, he finds out to his surprise that Fox has a new boyfriend. Even stranger is that Fox says she never had a romantic relationship with Mark.
In the end, it’s clear that Fox is guilty, even though she says she doesn’t date Mark. Her guilt makes her break up with her new boyfriend. Mike Jr. dropped out of college to work at a radio station, and this is being talked about.
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He has always looked up to his father, so he no longer wants to go to college. Instead, he is interested in radio stations. After having trouble telling his father the truth about his college, he finally tells his family the truth.
How to Watch Son of a Critch Season 2, Episode 2?
The best platform to watch Son of A Critch Season 2, Episode 2 is the official CBC platform, CBC Gem, as the show is not available on any other over-the-top (OTT) platforms.
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Additionally, CBC Gem is not available outside of Canada, so we recommend using an Express VPN to watch the episode. We will keep you updated on the Son of A Critch season 2 streaming schedule. Until then, please enjoy this inspiring and wholesome series.
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