7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be famous? The fame, the money, and the luxurious lives? Well, it turns out that some famous people take it a step further and pay people to do the craziest jobs for them.

These famous people have found creative ways to get rid of their boring tasks, like walking their pet chickens or waiting in line for hours at a time. Without further ado, here are seven famous people who have paid other people to do silly things for them.

So get some popcorn, sit back, and get ready to be amazed.

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them

Celebrities are known for living lavishly and often spending money on things that the average person can’t afford. But some famous people take this to a whole new level by hiring people to do the silliest things for them. Here are seven famous people who have done so:

1. Lady Gaga


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Lady Gaga’s previous personal assistant once sued her for not paying overtime and later published a tell-all book about her time working for the singer. In the book, the assistant revealed some intriguing details about Gaga’s preferences, such as her dislike of sleeping alone and her insistence that the assistant warms up her bed.

At times, the assistant was even required to sleep in the same bed as Gaga to provide company. In one instance, Gaga woke the assistant up in the middle of the night and asked her to put on a new DVD, as she didn’t want to do it herself.

2. Snoop Dogg

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

Snoop Dogg has a huge Net Worth. Snoop Dogg has quite a reputation for being a frequent smoker of marijuana. In fact, he once stated that he smokes up to 81 blunts a day! Given this impressive number, it’s no surprise that he’s found a way to delegate the task of rolling his blunts to a professional.

On a recent episode of ‘The Howard Stern Show,’ Snoop revealed that he pays his personal blunt roller a salary ranging from US$40,000 to US$50,000 per year. He also commended the roller’s exceptional timing, stating that they always know exactly when to pass him a freshly rolled blunt.

3. Rod Stewart

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

According to reports, Rod Stewart is preoccupied with getting adequate sleep. It is rumoured that he travels with a “room-darkening team” whose responsibility it is to ensure that any room he sleeps in has the appropriate conditions for a restful night’s sleep.

4. Justin Bieber

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

During Justin Bieber’s guest appearance on “Saturday Night Live,” the cast and crew were able to witness the size of his entourage. According to actor Bill Hader, approximately 20 people accompanied Bieber to the show to provide assistance.

As Justin Bieber snacked before the show, he had a designated individual to hold his drink and another to hold his slice of pizza in between bites and sips.

5. Mark Wahlberg

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

Mark Wahlberg’s daily regimen is so notorious that merely reading about it might exhaust you. He rises at an ungodly hour to engage in prayer and meditation, followed by a packed schedule of meals and exercise. Additionally, he is reputed to be exceptionally punctual and never tardy for any appointments.

To maintain this level of discipline, he purportedly employs a human alarm clock. One of his assistants is responsible for waking him up every day and ensuring that he adheres to his routine without fail.

6. Mariah Carey

7 Celebs Who Hired People to Do Ridiculous Jobs for Them, Click Here to Know Full Information!

Mariah Carey has earned a notorious reputation for being one of the most demanding divas in the entertainment industry. According to accounts from her personal staff, this reputation is well-deserved. Her vocal coach disclosed that she has a dedicated assistant who stands beside her holding a drink at all times.

Rumours also suggest that Mariah employs people to walk in front of her to prevent her from tripping, as well as an assistant whose sole responsibility is to apply breast tape. Additionally, it’s said that Mariah’s pets have their own entourage of attendants to cater to their every need.

7. Nelly


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In 2003, Nelly learned a hard lesson when thieves made off with a million dollars worth of his jewelry from his hotel room in Las Vegas. As a result, he took measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. He now employs a dedicated caretaker whose primary duty is to safeguard his jewelry at all times, no matter where he travels.

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Even though these celebrities’ requests may seem a bit excessive, it’s all part of their lavish lifestyles. These celebrities are willing to pay for anything they want, even if it seems silly, like having someone hold their straw or roll their cigars.

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