Prometheus Season 3 Release Date: In Prometheus, Why Did Elizabeth Die?

Prometheus Season  3: Prometheus is a 2012 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott, written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof.

After the huge success of Prometheus 2, fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the third installment! But, oh well, what are the chances of a third installment in the series?

When will the third installment air, given that the third installment aired in 2017? What can we (literally) expect from the franchise’s third installment, most likely?

Prometheus Season 3

Don’t be concerned! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the film, including the release date, cast, and trailers, in this article.


Prometheus Season 3:

The following is a list of cast members who may feature in the next chapter of Prometheus.

  • Elizabeth Shaw is played by Noomi Rapace.
  • Michael Fassbender as David
  • Meredith Vickers is played by Charlize Theron.
  • Janek is played by Idris Elba.
  • Peter Weyland is played by Guy Pearce.
  • Charlie Holloway is played by Logan Marshall-Green.
  • Fifield is played by Sean Harris.
  • Millburn is played by Rafe Spall.

Prometheus Season 3

What Could the Plot of a Prometheus 3 Film Be About?

The premise of the film Prometheus revolves around the crew of the starship Prometheus, who are tasked with discovering a star map hidden among artifacts from many ancient Earth cultures.

While searching for the origins of humanity, the crew discovered that society is facing a severe peril, with the possibility of humanity being extinct.

Alien Covenant is the sequel to the Prometheus film, and it tells the story of a crew colony ship that travels to several worlds and makes terrible discoveries.

Prometheus 3: When Will It Be Released?

On June 8, 2012, the first season of Prometheus was released globally and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The movie was renewed for the next episode in May 2017 after a 5-year gap, owing to its enormous popularity and fandom.

Prometheus Season 3

Despite the fact that the franchise hasn’t released any information (yet), we can expect Prometheus 3 to arrive in theaters around the end of 2022 or later.

“We went down a route to try and reinvent the wheel with Prometheus and Covenant,” Scott remarked in an interview. It’s dubious that we’ll go back to that because Prometheus did such a good job of waking it up.

But you’re addressing fundamental things like, ‘Has the Alien himself, the facehugger, the chestburster, run out of steam?’

Do you have to redo the whole thing and just call it a franchise?’ “The essential question is always the same.” This increases the likelihood of its arrival.

Prometheus 3 Movie Rating

The film Prometheus was a huge success and is considered one of the best science fiction films ever made. Prometheus is also well-known around the world.


The film has an IMDb rating of 7.0/10 on rotten tomatoes, 73 percent on common sense media, while alien: Covenant has an IMDb rating of 6.4/10 on rotten tomatoes, 65 percent on common sense media, and 3/5 on common sense media.

Prometheus Season 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a third installment of Prometheus?

There have been no formal news concerning Prometheus 3’s cancellation yet. We may expect the film to be released around the end of 2022 if the creators pursue their goals.

Where To Watch Prometheus?

It’s a show that’s only available on Amazon Prime Video.

How many Prometheus parts are there?

Prometheus has only had two parts thus far.

When will Prometheus 3 be released?

Production would most likely begin in late 2022 or early 2023, even if the show is renewed immediately following Part 2. Part 3 should be released in the winter of 2022-2023, based on that plan.

Is Prometheus on Disney Plus?

Aliens and Prometheus are available to stream on Disney Plus, with Prometheus in 4K. You’ll have to rent or buy the remaining six films if you don’t already own them.

Trailer of Prometheus Season 3

The trailer for Prometheus Season 3 has not yet been released, however you can see the trailer for Season 2 here:

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