Pride Month: Pride Day Is Celebrated in 5 Ways Around the World

Pride Month: June is Pride Month, when the LGBTQ communities around the world come together to celebrate the right to be who they are.

Pride celebrations have their origins in the long battle of minority groups to overcome discrimination and be accepted for who they are.

The initial organizers picked June to commemorate the Stonewall riots in New York City in June 1969, which sparked the contemporary gay rights movement.

The majority of Pride celebrations take place in June each year, while some localities organize them at other times of the year.

Pride Month

Who Celebrates Pride Month?

In 2017, a Venezuelan participant takes part in Berlin’s annual gay pride march. Pride celebrations are open to anyone who feels their sexual identity is outside the mainstream, while many straight individuals attend as well.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer is an abbreviation that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. The term LGBTQ is sometimes used to refer to intersex and asexual groups

. Intersex refers to those whose sex is not clearly defined due to genetic, hormonal, or biological differences, whereas asexual refers to those who do not experience sexual desire.

Gender-fluid people, or those whose gender identity fluctuates over time or depending on the situation, may also be included in these categories.

What Is the History of the Rainbow Flag?

San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk — one of the first out homosexual political leaders in the United States — commissioned artist and designer Gilbert Baker to create a flag for the city’s planned Pride celebrations in 1978.

Baker, a famous gay rights activist, drew inspiration from the rainbow rather than the stripes of the American flag to represent the diverse LGBT population.

Other sexualities on the spectrum, such as bisexuality, pansexuality, and asexuality, are represented by a subset of flags.

How Did It All Begin?

On June 27, 2021, people gather outside the historic Stonewall Inn in New York City to celebrate the New York Pride March. Police attacked the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York’s Greenwich Village, in the early hours of June 28, 1969, and began taking patrons outside.

Pride Month

Tensions immediately rose as customers resisted arrest and a swelling mob of onlookers tossed bottles and coins at the officers.

After years of pressure from authorities, New York’s LGBT community erupted in three-day neighborhood riots. The rebellion sparked the formation of organizations such as the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance, which were modelled after the civil rights and women’s rights movements.

Members demonstrated, talked with political officials, and disrupted public meetings in order to hold those politicians accountable.

The first Gay Pride marches in the United States were staged a year after the Stonewall riots. The area around the Stonewall Inn, which is still a popular nightclub today, was named a national monument in 2016.

Where Did the Name Pride Month Come From?

Brenda Howard, a bisexual New York activist known as the “Mother of Pride,” is widely recognized with organizing the first Pride parade to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

Can I Attend Pride Activities if I Am Not LGBTQ?

Sure. Allies from outside the LGBTQ community are welcome at Pride celebrations. They are opportunities to demonstrate solidarity, to observe, to listen, and to learn.

Pride Day Is Celebrated in 5 Ways Around the World

Tel Aviv

The Tel Aviv Pride festival is the largest in the Middle East for the LGBTQ+ community.


Pride Month

Visit Oscar Wilde’s and Boy George’s old haunts, where the parade will take you around Piccadilly Circus, Lower Regent Street, and Trafalgar Square.


Taipei is advertised as Asia’s largest LGBTQ+ festival, and it’s even more of a celebration now that Taiwan’s parliament has approved same-sex marriage.


Up to 500,000 people attend the German capital’s Pride, which is technically dubbed Christopher Street Day to honour the Stonewall Riots and New York City’s pivotal role in the gay rights fight.


Since 1999, the Icelandic city has celebrated LGBTQ+ diversity and togetherness every year, with the festival now expanding to a 10-day celebration.

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