How Old Was Mary When She Married Joseph: How Was the Engagement?

Joseph is one of the people in the Bible who is frequently ignored or left out of discussions concerning the birth of Jesus Christ. This is despite the fact that he is one of the most important figures in the Bible.

We must never forget that God selected Mary to be the one to bring Jesus into the world. On the other hand, we are oblivious to the fact that Joseph was also one of God’s choices.

If he had lacked the necessary characteristics, he could have posed a risk to the conception of Jesus Christ and his subsequent birth. The Bible does not provide a complete and in-depth account of Joseph and Mary’s courtship and wedding.

Because of this, it is common for some Christians to inquire about topics such as “how old was Joseph when he married Mary?” In this article, we will take a look at some possible answers, such as Joseph’s age when he married Mary, in addition to examining some other significant particulars.

How Old Was Mary When She Married Joseph?

The Bible does not mention Joseph’s age when he wed Mary, so it is unknown how old he was at the time. Nevertheless, there are some recommendations coming from a variety of sources.

How Old Was Mary When She Married Joseph

According to some accounts, Mary was already an adult when she became pregnant, which means that she had already finished going through puberty.

In addition, it was against the law to marry a girl who had not yet reached the age of 12 at the time. Since Joseph is described as a just man in the Bible, it is reasonable to assume that he obeyed the norms of his culture prior to beginning his relationship with Mary.

Therefore, it is likely that Joseph was around 20 years old when he married Mary. This is the age at which Jesus was born. According to yet another source, the migration of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem was for the purpose of complying with Caesar’s mandated tax payments.

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Because of this, the couple must have been at least 18 years old when they went to Bethlehem to pay their taxes there.

How was the Engagement of Joseph and Mary preserved?

Mary and Joseph were betrothed, but an event forever altered their lives. Before Joseph had sexual relations with his wife, she was pregnant. When Joseph discovered this, he began to consider how he could cancel the engagement without drawing attention to himself.

How Old Was Mary When She Married Joseph

However, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and told him that the Holy Spirit facilitated the conception of his wife. The angel also informed Joseph that the infant would one day become the world’s saviour.

In addition, he gives Joseph the name he will bear when he is born.

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