A Japanese anime television programme called One Piece was created by Toei Animation and debuted on Fuji TV. Every Sunday, new episodes of One Piece are released, and while the anime moves along more slowly than the manga, each one always fills us with excitement and expectation.
In terms of Momonosuke and Luffy, as well as Yamato’s animosity toward her father, Kaido, there is a lot of catching up to do. Yes, Momonosuke and Luffy ultimately cross paths again, this time as a large dragon in adult form, and they are prepared to reclaim Wano.
Yamato, on the other hand, continues to have ambitions of becoming Oden and challenging her father. Although there have been many conflicts in previous episodes, the most anticipated one has not yet started.
Series | One Piece |
Genre | Adventure, Fantas |
Produced by | Toei Animation |
Country of Origin | Japan |
OTT Platform | Crunchyroll |
One Piece Episode 1049 Release Date | January 29, 2023 |
With Momo, the enormous pink dragon that can fly, Luffy is on his way to the rooftop as the major fight in Onigashima approaches. In the meantime, Kaido and Yamato are currently engaged in a fierce battle. So let’s begin with a little review.
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One Piece Episode 1049 Release Date and Time
Episode 1049 of One Piece will come out on January 29, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. Japan Standard Time is used to figure out the times for the other time zones.
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One Piece Episode 1048 Recap
This episode was all about Yamato and her past, but before that, it was funny to see Luffy and the giant Momo on screen. One Piece always knows when to be funny.
Luffy rides Momo to get to Onigashima, but Momo is scared of heights, so they fall soon after. Shinobu and the Heart Pirates can’t help but look at them.
When we went back to Yamato, we saw a flashback to when she was a child and how she realized she wanted to be called Oden for the first time, so she called herself Kozuki Oden.
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Right then, her father came home and saw that she had beaten up all the men without touching them. He put her in chains because he was so weak and wouldn’t accept her as Oden.
She was chained up in this dark prison, where she met some Samurai known as the Great Swordsmen of the Land of Wano. She thought they were going to kill her, but they broke her chains because they were also on Oden’s side.
These samurai kept her safe, and they think she can grow up to be a great fighter. Yamato showed them Oden’s journal, which she had found at the base of Oden Castle, and told the Samurai to read it.
There, Oden wrote about his travels and talked about how the Land of Wano was once connected to the rest of the world. He thought that in twenty years, the next era would be led by young, strong pirates who would rush into the New World and kill Kaido. The Samurai decided to fight now instead of waiting twenty years.
She knew that if they broke out, they would be killed, but they thought it would be better than rotting in the dark. Yamato has a reason to fight Kaido because people have put their faith in her because of what they did.
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She promises to bring freedom back to the Land of Wano because of what they did.
One Piece Episode 1049 Streaming Guideline!
On Crunchyroll and Funimation, you can watch every episode of One Piece, although with a slight delay. Fans from across the world will be able to watch the show with English subtitles, so make sure to stream the forthcoming episode at the time specified above to avoid missing it.
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