The adult animated comedy show “Rick and Morty” was made by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. The show follows the adventures of Rick Sanchez, a brilliant scientist, and Morty, a regular guy, through space, time, and different worlds.
Since it started, the series has become a huge success thanks to its meta-humour, many pop-culture references, and subversion of sci-fi tropes, all of which critics and viewers have welcomed with open arms. The fifth season of the show is about to start, and here’s where you can watch ‘Rick and Morty’ season 5 online if you want to get schwifty with Rick, Morty, and their weird friends and family.
Series | Rick and Morty |
Genre | Animation, Adventure |
Directed by | Wesley Archer |
Country of Origin | United States |
OTT Platform | Adult Swim |
No of Seasons | 6 |
Table of Contents
Is Rick And Morty Season 5 On Amazon Prime?
Season 5 of ‘Rick and Morty’ is not currently available on Amazon Prime as part of your basic subscription, but it will most likely become available on-demand after the season concludes on broadcast television.
Where Can I Stream Rick and Morty Season 5 for Free Online?
According to, Season 5 of Rick and Morty can be watched right now for free. Usually, a cable login is needed to watch new episodes on a network’s website, but Adult Swim is an exception.
You may sign up for a 14-day free trial of YouTube TV, a 7-day free trial of Hulu Live TV, or a 3-day free trial of Sling TV to watch “Rick and Morty” season 5 for free. We strongly advise, however, that you pay for the information you desire to view.
They make a living by surprising you. What if you hate the video player on Adult Swim? Then you have YouTube working for you. The first episode is currently free to watch on YouTube, so there’s really no reason not to.
Who Will Be on Season 6 of Rick and Morty?
Rick and Morty’s usual voice actors are all back for season 6. Rick and his grandson Morty will be voiced by Justin Roiland, of course. Sarah Chalke will be Beth Smith, Chris Parnell will be Jerry Smith, and Spencer Grammer will be Summer Smith. In addition to the main cast, the show has had a number of famous people appear as guest stars.
The show’s creators aren’t saying who might appear as a guest star in upcoming episodes, but we’ll update this page when we know more.
How Are the Ratings of Rick and Morty Season 5?
Many websites have given Season 5 of Rick and Morty very high marks. Rick and Morty have set a standard for other shows to follow. On Rotten Tomatoes, critics gave it a score of 95%, and viewers gave it a score of 55%. On IMDb, the show got a score of 9.2/10.
Reviews of Rick And Morty Season 5
Rick and Morty is a funny TV show. The audience is hit with crazy jokes at a dizzying rate. Even though not every joke is funny, there are so many that it hardly matters, and when one does hit, it hits hard.
It’s a good show because of this, but what makes it great is the creativity of the crazy science-fiction ideas that drive the plots. Yes, a mini verse inside a mini verse sounds crazy, but it’s also very creative, especially when you think about how different and connected these universes are.
The way a creature that gets into everyone’s memories was shown was excellent. An episode about how your mind can make a picture of your lover was smart from the start, but it kept building on the idea.
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Every thought is silly, but every idea is original and well-thought-out. This is a good story that is both funny and science fiction. I wish that this show had been on as long as The Simpsons, but what it has is great.
Rick And Morty Season 5 Official Trailer
Rick and Morty is an adult-animated comedy show created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. It follows the adventures of Rick Sanchez, a brilliant scientist, and Morty, a regular guy, through space, time, and different worlds. It has become a huge success due to its meta-humour, many pop-culture references, and subversion of sci-fi tropes.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When Was Rick and Morty First Released?
The first episode of Rick and Morty came out on December 2, 2013.
How Many Seasons Are There of Rick and Morty?
So far, there have only been six seasons of Rick and Morty.
Does Apple TV+ Have Rick and Morty?
No, you can’t watch Rick and Morty on Apple TV+.
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