American television magic show Masters of Illusion aired on Pax TV from 2000 to 2001. The eighth season of the magic tricks programme with escape artists, cutting-edge illusionists, and outstanding performers will be hosted by Dean Cain. These contemporary magicians perform for a studio audience, showcasing their puzzling and astounding abilities.
We’ll see interactive magic feats, amazing escapes, deception, grand illusions, and rowdy comedy acts this year. The absence of camera help or computer gimmicks is what distinguishes the show as unique. David McKenzie, Al Schwartz, Gay Blackstone, and David Martin are on the executive producing team.
Let’s look at where, when, and how to conveniently watch Masters of Illusion Season 9 online, whether at home, on the go, or even when travelling overseas, if you can’t wait to view the new exciting magic performances.
Series | Masters of Illusion |
Genre | Magic Show |
Presented by | Dean Cain |
Country of Origin | United States |
OTT Platform | Pax TV, MyNetworkTV, The CW |
No of Seasons | 12 |
Table of Contents
Is Masters of Illusion Season 9 On Amazon Prime?
There are a few different places where you can watch the Masters of Illusion series. You can watch it on Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or The CW’s website. Masters of Illusion Season 9 starts in the US on The CW at 8 p.m. ET on Saturday, February 11, 2023.
We don’t know how many episodes are in the most recent season, but we do know that there will be a new episode every Saturday that will be 30 minutes long.
Ratings of Masters of Illusion Season 9
If you’ve never seen the show and are wondering how good it is, I can tell you that it’s pretty good. The show has a good IMDb score of 4.7/10, and the average audience score on Rottentomatoes is 60%.
So, this show is for sure on my list. If you’re still not sure about going, check out what other people have said about it. This show’s performance is terrible, which is a shame because it could do a lot to promote magic, especially new and up-and-coming magicians. They should get rid of the person in charge of sound as soon as possible.
It’s okay to turn off the music during a performance, and when music is needed, it should be less corny and more appropriate for the situation.
Why Masters of Illusion Season 9 So Popular?
Masters of Illusion is getting more viewers now than it did during its last season. When the show first aired, it was seen by numerous people, and its popularity has only grown since then. People who watch the show are looking forward to the next episode, and there has been talking about a possible 9th season.
What is the Filming Location of “Masters of Illusion” Show?
“Masters of Illusion” is filmed in front of a live studio audience, as we already said. Because of how the show is put together, it all takes place on a set. Also, this stage is just as magical as the rest of the show. It is full of life, colour, and beauty. Most of the scenes for “Masters of Illusion” were shot in California.
But over the years, the show has been recorded in two different places. IMDb says that the show is filmed at Red Studios, which is at 846 N. Cahuenga Boulevard in Los Angeles. The production centre has five soundstages that range in size from 5,600 square feet to 25,500 square feet.
The set is definitely very magical and full of colour. But, as was already said, “Masters of Illusion” has also been filmed in a different studio. This is Delfino Studios in Sylmar, California. It is at 12501 Gladstone Ave #5323. The production facility opened in the 1970s. It has three soundstages that range in size from 9,000 to 17,200 square feet.
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But “Masters of Illusion” also has live events all over the country, from Florida to New York to Pennsylvania, in addition to the places where it is taped. Also, there are live events held in Canada.
Official Trailer of Masters of Illusion
Masters of Illusion is an American television magic show hosted by Dean Cain. It features contemporary magicians performing for a studio audience, showcasing their puzzling and astounding abilities. The show has a good IMDb score of 4.7/10, and the average audience score on Rottentomatoes is 60%. However, the show’s performance is terrible, and it should get rid of the person in charge of sound as soon as possible. It is okay to turn off the music during a performance, and when music is needed, it should be less corny.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who Made the Masters of Illusion Show?
The show Masters of Illusion was made by Dean Cain.
Does Netflix Have Masters of Illusion Show?
Masters of Illusion is not on Netflix, so you can’t watch it there.
When Did the Masters of Illusion Season 9 Release?
The ninth season of Masters of Illusion came out on June 7, 2019.
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