“Unforgotten” is a British crime drama series that stars Nicola Walker, Susan Lynch, and Pippa Nixon in standout roles. The show follows DCI Cassandra “Cassie” Stuart and his team of police detectives as they take on difficult murder cases and find the killer against all odds. The show was made by Chris Lang, and its first episode aired on October 8, 2015.
Since then, its intriguing murder mysteries have kept people watching. Now that it’s in its fourth season, fans must be eager to find out more about the new episode’s plot and other streaming details.
If you are also looking for the same kind of information, we can help.
Series | Unforgotten |
Genre | Crime Drama |
Created by | Chris Lang |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom |
OTT Platform | ITV |
No of Seasons | 5 |
Table of Contents
Is Unforgotten Season 4 On Amazon Prime?
Season 4 of “Unforgotten” is available on Amazon Prime as video-on-demand, and PBS subscribers can watch it for free. You can watch the show here by streaming it.
You can also watch this drama series on different OTT platforms:
Season 4 of “Unforgotten” can be watched online at the official PBS website. The show is available on popular VOD services like FandangoNow, Vudu, iTunes, and Google Play. The series is also available to stream on Apple TV+, Spectrum, DirecTV, and Xfinity. People in the UK can watch season 4 of “Unforgotten” on ITV.
Unforgotten Season 4 Cast
- Nicola Walker as DCI Cassandra
- Sanjeev Bhaskar as DI Sunil
- Jordan Long as DS Murray Boulting
- Lewis Reeves as DC Jake Collier
- Pippa Nixon as DC Karen ‘Kaz’ Willetts
- Sinéad Keenan as DCI Jessica
Who is the Rising Star of the Unforgotten Series?
Sinéad Keenan is now playing the main role in the Unforgotten series. Sinéad Keenan will play the role of DCI Jessica in this show. Unforgotten is a British crime drama that made its debut on ITV on October 8, 2015. Chris Lang made it up and wrote the script, and Andy Wilson ran it.
Is Unforgotten Based on a Real-life Event?
No, “Unforgotten” does not come from a real story. But “Unforgotten” is based on a plausible idea: two police officers are trying to find out what happened in cold cases, and the road to the past is often full of fear and mystery.
Chris Lang, who made the show, said that he got the idea for it after hearing about a man who was found guilty of a crime he had committed when he was 80 years old. Lang couldn’t stop thinking about how quickly the life of the person who was now in jail changed.
Unforgotten Season 4 Trailer, Watch It Here
“Unforgotten” is a British crime drama series that stars Nicola Walker, Susan Lynch, and Pippa Nixon in standout roles. It follows DCI Cassandra “Cassie” Stuart and his team of police detectives as they take on difficult murder cases and find the killer against all odds. Season 4 is available on Amazon Prime.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When Did Season 4 of Unforgotten Come Out?
The fourth season of Unforgotten came out on February 22, 2021.
How Many Seasons Does Unforgotten Have?
The Unforgotten TV show has a total of 5 seasons.
Who Plays the Female Protagonist in Unforgotten?
Nicola Jane Walker, an English actress, plays the main role in this show as DCI Cassandra.
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