What is Erotomania In You Season 4 Part 2? Is It Real or Fake?

The fourth season of the popular Netflix series “You” has left viewers wondering about the mysterious and often disturbing behavior of some of its characters. In particular, the concept of erotomania has been introduced in the second part of the fourth season, leaving many viewers questioning its authenticity.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the topic and explore whether erotomania is a real psychological disorder.

What is Erotomania In You Season 4 Part 2?

Lady Phoebe notices that Dawn is exhibiting signs of erotomania, a psychological disorder where a person believes they have a connection with someone when they don’t. Dawn calls Lady Phoebe her best friend and claims they have matching tattoos, even though Phoebe doesn’t have one.

What is Erotomania In You Season 4 Part 2? Is It Real or Fake?

Lady Phoebe only knows Dawn because she shows up wherever Phoebe is to take her picture. To avoid upsetting Dawn, Lady Phoebe plays along and admits they are best friends. However, she soon realizes that Dawn has been watching her on television for a long time and believes everything Phoebe does on TV is directed toward her.

Dawn even knows things about Phoebe that she doesn’t know herself, such as how Adam is using her as a meal ticket. Joe enters the room and tries to help Dawn understand her condition. Lady Phoebe gives Dawn an example of a German postal worker who believed Madonna was his friend. Eventually, the police arrive in time to save Lady Phoebe and Joe from Dawn, who is later framed as the “Eat the Rich Killer” after Simon’s ear is found in her belongings.

Later in the show, it is revealed that Joe suffers from the same condition as Dawn, as he is obsessed with Rhys Montrose, the son of the Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull, who is running for mayor.

Is Erotomania Real or Fake?

Erotomania is a genuine mental health condition characterized by a delusional belief that someone is in love with the individual, even though there is no evidence to support this claim. The people who experience this disorder hold an unshakeable conviction, and may not be persuaded by facts to the contrary.

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Also known as Clérambault’s syndrome, individuals with erotomania are often drawn to those who are unattainable due to their high social standing, and may be fixated on someone they have never even met or who is deceased.

What is Erotomania In You Season 4 Part 2? Is It Real or Fake?

In extreme cases, individuals with erotomania may resort to stalking or even harming the object of their affection.

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